Masks for the the Skin of your Face

Masks for the the Skin of your Face

Our face is the first part of us that people see and the first image by which they judge us. Therefore, the skin of our skin is kind of our cover letter. It must look its best and it must reflect our nicest qualities. Here are some masks you can make at home to make the skin on your face look fabul...
No More Excuses

No More Excuses

All that stands between your determination and your goals are your excuses. This time, don't give up on your goal to get a healthier, more-fit body. Here are a few tips to reach your goals. Pick the right diet for you and stick to it for the rest of your life. Don't think about it as a diet but as...
How to Protect Your Lips

How to Protect Your Lips

Fresh and soft lips are intrinsic to a sensual woman. With the dramatic changes of temperature or after being exposed to the Sun, lips tend to dry up more than usual. Lips are constantly exposed to external agents such as wind, cold and heat, and they are in contact with the drinks and food we have...
Benefits of Running

Benefits of Running

With all the benefits running brings to the human body and mind, it seems striking why we are not all out in the streets doing exercise. Yes, it takes determination to leave home to literally put your body under stress doing a monotonous activity, but its advantages for us are so amazing, maybe this...
Make Your Hair Shine

Make Your Hair Shine

A soft shiny look makes your hair look healthy and fabulous. If you are looking to get a shiny hair, you can achieve it in a simple way with homemade masks. You can find many masks you can apply to your hair below: Avocado Mask Avocado is a very nourishing fruit for your hair, which is important t...
Hairstyles that never go out of style

Hairstyles that never go out of style

Your is the first feature that catches others' eye. That is why choosing the right hairstyle is ideal to highlight your attributes. But a hairstyle is used in more ways than just to highlight your beauty, it's also a way to express yourself, your personality and your style. If you are not sure, what...
The types of waxing you can get in salons

The types of waxing you can get in salons

Waxing is fast becoming the preferred method to remove unwanted hair by women in certain areas. For many years women were afraid to turn to waxing as it was known to be painful, but as it became more and more popular over the years, many have found it doesn't have to be excessively painful and it ke...
Top Makeup tips

Top Makeup tips

Whether it is a range of colours in your eyeshadow palette, lipsticks, lipgloss, brush, among others, every makeup tool can be used in varied ways and multiple areas on your face. It is smart, practical and economical to use the same product in different ways. Depending on how you use them, you can...
What makeup to choose depending on the season

What makeup to choose depending on the season

Although colours and styles can vary from one person to the other, there are certain guidelines that are recommended to follow in terms of makeup to make the most of the current season. While you might have already picked the colours and makeup stye in general that best suits, it is advisable to cha...
face masks

Face masks

Whether you need to moisturise your skin, prevent wrinkles, treat acne, lighten spots or remove impurities, there's a facial mask for every beauty concern. Depending on the mask you choose, you'll be able to hydrate your skin, remove excess oils and help improve the appearance of your pores. They ar...
Health benefits massage

Health benefits of a massage

Even though most people turn to massages to relax and pamper themselves, getting the right can also have surprising health benefits. In fact, massage therapy as a method to improve health is becoming more and more popular. What once was an alternative approach is now becoming much more mainstream...
acupuncture information education

All about acupuncture

Dating back hundreds of years, acupuncture is a traditional method used in ancient Chinese medicine. You probably have heard of it thanks to its efficacy to relive pains and maladies and its unorthodox method based inserting needles at certain areas of the body patient. Although acupuncture has bee...
deep tissue massage

All about deep tissue massage

Although it is not commonly known, deep tissue massage has been used for thousands of years throughout the world due to its miraculous effects on physical and psychological stress. Recent studies show that deep tissue therapy is an effective way to treat common conditions like arthritis, anxiety and...
How to prevent wrinkles

How to prevent wrinkles

Many have tried and many have failed to come up with the great antidote to the aging process of the skin. After one fad and another, one expensive magical cream and a visibly fake plastic surgery, the best ways to prevent wrinkles remain the most natural and obvious ones. Although it's impossible to...
coconut oil

Coconut oil: uses and benefits

Depending on how and where you use it, coconut oil can benefit your health, hair and skin. This versatile oil can be used in cooking, beauty recipes and around the home. According to research, adding coconut oil to your diet and using it on your exterior can improve your health, well-being and appea...
raw food for spa health

Eating some raw food

Sensationalist but true fact coming up: eating more raw food will improve some aspects of your health. Cooking food aids our digestive system and we absolutely need to ensure that we kill off the dangerous bacteria that grows in raw meat, however we can meet a happy medium with the type of vegetabl...
Swedish Massage

Thai or Swedish Massage

Thai Massage: Yoga without Effort Maybe the first image that comes to mind when someone mentions Thai Massage is a slim, Thai lady walking all over your back. However, there's much more to Thai massage than meets the eye. Developed in Thailand, Thai massage is a system of massage that has been inf...

Headaches & How to Manage Pain

The Hidden Reasons You're Getting Headaches & How to Manage Pain When it comes to pain, I have experienced it all and most important, I have learned how to manage it. A broken foot, wrist, dislocated knee, and I have even suffered from partial paralysis with surgeries on my knee, shoulder and cervi...